Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Decluttering: Part One

In the process of decluttering I went to a local used bookstore and turned in a box of books. Books are the most difficult thing for me to get let go. I used the store credit they gave me to buy Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston. She has this to say about books:

Holding on to old books is a very common problem, especially for people with enquiring minds. To many, books are like faithful companions. They are always there to keep you company when you need them...But the problem with holding on to old books is that it doesn't allow you to create space for new ideas and ways of thinking to come into your life. Your books symbolically represent your ideas and beliefs, and when you have too many of them sitting on bookshelves in your home, you become set in your ways and develop fusty energy like the fusty old books you surround yourself with.

I broke down the Feng Shui baguas in my apartment. According to the book, each area of your home represents an area of your life.


7-self knowledge (and travel)
9-helpful people and angels.

Most of my "fusty" old books are in the creativity bagua and it is certainly true that I've been feeling stagnated creatively for quite some time. I have also found that the more I clean and declutter, the more I find myself wanting to write.

I just wish I had an unlimited amount of time to work on it sometimes. But I'm working hard to be happy with every little bit that does get done.

I was just talking to a friend of mine about moving. I know I don't want to move all this junk again. She suggested I move into their house when they move out, an idea I've given a lot of thought to in the past few months. Only thing is, that house doesn't have any closets! Arrgh! She says it has done wonders for them as far as eliminating clutter. I ask myself, am I really ready? We'll see how I feel when I get started on my Treasure Map 4/17.


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