Decluttering Myself: Extreme makeover
I had my hair lopped off yesterday and the experience was thrilling! As anyone with curly hair can testify, getting my hair cut is usually a nerve-wracking and frustrating experience. This time I was truly ready and I found the right stylist.
Her name is Carrie at Clay Spa and Salon in Weaverville. She immediately put me at ease. "I love change so I am really excited about this," she said. She had an interesting techinique for cutting curly hair and I was thrilled with the results. The cut was honestly the best I've ever had in my life.
As I started thinking about decluttering the energy issues I realized that my long hair had been with me for at least 5 years and I have been through some tough times since then. I was keeping all that negative energy around me in my hair. It was time to clear the slate and say goodbye to the things that have been holding me back in life. A metaphor, maybe, but I still think it will have a profound effect on me.
In fact, just in the past day and a half since I've had it done, I feel that people are more responsive to me. It is as though I was invisible before and now people can see me.
Hi curlygirl! I think that is the way you spelled it. I wanted you to see that I responded to your comment. Glad you feel good about the weight. Keep it up! here is my response to you!
an average patriot said...
Hi curlygirl!
I don't know what happened but I replied to you yesterday, Hmmm! Anyway, I included this because I have said many times that at the very least Bush will try that scenario or someething else underhanded to keep power while he fights his new order wars.
I don't know if you know this but that first story was a April Fools joke. I firmly believe though that something underhanded will be done and it is no joke. Take care!
6:40 AM
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