Friday, April 20, 2007

Treasure Map In Progress

I don't really have time to be on here right now, my Treasure map needs to be done by 12:49 tomorrow but I felt amiss not updating. Treasure mapping has been unexpectedly emotionally draining, but I hope that is a good sign because it means I've really been putting myself into it.

There is a lot of stuff about publishing a book and travelling Europe on there. I have some descrepancies on the Feng Shui Bagua, my book says travel goes in the bottom right and what the woman posted on said to put it in the bottom left. I just decided to make the whole bottom of the poster a "cityscape" so to speak of European Cities.

When I got started Tuesday I lit candles and inscense and cleansed the living room and dining room where I was working. I asked the God and Goddess to help me work from the heart. It is really hard to quiet my inner critic about how it looks but I guess that is just practice for the year to come. I have to keep my ego out of things so that I can manifest what I want in my life.

More later...


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