Thursday, April 26, 2007

Get me outta here

After an exhausting debate with my husband about politics, I can't help but find my mind drifting to my dreams of becoming an American Expatriate. He was the one who put the bug in my ear about it. I can't help but think I'd love to try living in Europe. Since I work at Starbucks, I checked to see where in Europe there are many Starbucks locations. France, Germany, Greece, Spain, Ireland and the UK. Well, I don't want to go to France because I've always heard that people are rude. I don't want to go to Germany because apparently it is illegal to homeschool your children there. It would be neat to live somewhere they don't speak English so I settled on Greece and Spain. I actually speak some Spanish which might make Spain more reasonable but I think Greece is absolutely more romantic.

Maybe it is because I am Pagan and all those Greek myths we learned in school really resonate with me but I can't think of anything more amazing than walking the same earth as the people who were telling those stories. I recently saw a Samantha Brown Show on the travel channel about Myknonos, Greece and just loved it.

Anyhow, I've been trying to find some blogs to read from American Expatriates but not having much luck. First hand accounts of living abroad would help me so much. Particularly if they were from someone in less than affluent circumstances.

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