Monday, April 30, 2007

Returning home

I think I just figured out why I always preferred writing pen to paper rather than fingers to keyboard. I just typed out part of a really cool post and I went to select and copy so that I didn't lose it and my wrist hit a button on the keyboard and goodbye!


Arrgghh. I'll try and recreate it now that I've vented!

A beautiful synchronicity occurred this past Saturday with all this talk of going to Europe. I turned on 880 The Revolution (Asheville's Progressive Talk Radio) and Virato Live! had a lady on there talking about indigenous people. They brought up the fact that all of us are descended from indigenous people. Now it seems like a no-brainer but I have always considered myself a "white American" with no real ties to anything indigenous. I mean, sure I figured someone came over on a boat from Europe but other than that I've never given it much thought.

Being adopted has really hindered my ability to discover much of anything about my blood relatives. Even after my birth mother and I were finally reunited, I learned that she was also adopted. Chances are slim that I will ever find anything out about my blood ancestors and that fact breaks my heart, not only for myself but also for my children. Some people believe that whatever is in your DNA doesn't matter but I passionately disagree.

I have spent a lot of time on the family trees of my adoptive family and my husband's family as well. I found it fascinating to learn about the people who came before us, what they did and even what their names were. Working on a family tree helps you learn so much beyond the names of the parents and grandparents that came before you.

Anyhow, Naomi Archer was saying that we are now being called back to the places we came from, usually Europe. Listened to the show on my computer and tried to quote as closely as possible:
we've lost our sense of place and our sense of connection with place...the idea
of place-based knowledge. The spiritual knowledge and cultural
knowledge is always in the ground, it's always in the air, it's in the
earth and it never dies...No matter where we're at, not matter how long we've
been there we have a homeland and that homeland is Europe...This is the time
when people of European heritage will be called back to the ways of their
ancestors...Because (the knowledge) is still there we have an opportunity to
help regain the significant cultural knowledge that our ancestors held.
It's up to us to take it forward particularly as we face catastrophic climate
change. We're going to need that sacred knowledge to help us get through
that time.

40,000 years my ancestors spent in Europe, the Iladurarrak (Sacred Moon People). I wonder if this has any connection to my lifelong interest in paganism and fascination with ancient rituals comes from. I am most certainly being called back, now I have to decide how to handle it. is the website to learn more about them.

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